Enter a planet...
This is the very first step if you want to play Nautix. Nothing is running without having chosen the right
game type and options.
Step 1
This is the startup window. It lets you do nothing but clicking on "Continue".
Step 2
This window is a bit further. You can choose wether to make a single player game, or (recommended) to
try out the multiplayer functionality of Nautix. Also, your player name is fixed here, which is the name of
your Avatar.
Step 3
If you chose single player mode, step 5 is the one you will be leaded to. Otherwise, you may
now either start a new game or join an existing one.
Step 4
In case a game you want to join requires a password, you can enter one here. This is server-dependent,
and by default no passwords are needed.
Step 5
The team window. There are lots of options if you create a new one: Do you want to be the leader?
Shall a player be accepted by every team member if he plans to join? Decide on your own! Another
option is to play without team or to join an existing one.
Step 6
If you started your own game, you are now allowed to select one of the planets displayed here.
This is where your Avatar will live. If you joined a game, this step is only processed to show you
the used planet and its name.
Finished! If you reach this step, everything went fine and the game is really running.
Step 7
Maybe an error occurs during the complex connection process. In most cases, errors are caught and this
special window appears. You can then decide to either cancel the process or to go one step back.
In case a game you want to join requires a password, you can enter one here. This is server-dependent,
and by default no passwords are needed.
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